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Dental Implant vs Bridges – Cost, Pros And Cons

By 16 January 2023February 20th, 2023No Comments
Key Takeaways:
  • Dental implants and bridges are both excellent tooth replacement options for missing or broken teeth
  • The decision between a dental implant and a bridge will depend on your specific needs, such as cost, durability, functionality, and the procedure itself.
  • It’s a good idea to consult with a dentist to determine the best solution for you.
Dental Implant Vs Bridges - Cost, Pros and Cons

Are you trying to decide between a dental implant and a bridge to replace a missing tooth or teeth? It’s a tough decision to make, but don’t worry; we’re here to help. 

In this dental implants vs bridges blog post, we’ll compare both dental treatments as well as their pros and cons and help you determine which option might be the best fit for you.  

Keep reading if you are not quite sure if dental implants or bridges are best for you.

What are Dental Implants?

A dental implant replaces a missing tooth’s root. It’s a small titanium post that is surgically placed into the jawbone and acts as a foundation for a replacement tooth. 

The replacement tooth, which is also called a crown, is custom-made to match the shape, size, and colour of your natural teeth.

Dental implants are a popular tooth replacement option because they look and function just like natural teeth. You can eat, speak, brush and floss them just like your teeth, and dental implants can last for many years with proper care. 

They’re also a good option for people who have lost teeth due to injury, disease, or decay because they don’t require any modification of the surrounding teeth.

What are Dental Bridges?

While dental implants replace a missing tooth root, a dental bridge is a replacement for the actual missing tooth itself. 

A dental bridge consists of one or more artificial teeth (pontics) held firmly by two dental crowns placed on adjacent teeth (abutment teeth)to the missing tooth.

Dental bridges are a less expensive alternative to dental implants and can be placed in a single dental visit. They are suitable for people missing one or more teeth in a row and can help restore normal teeth functions.

However, dental bridges do have some limitations. They may not be as strong as dental implants and may require some adjustments in your biting and chewing habits. 

Additionally, a dental bridge may need to be replaced at some point, depending on how well it holds up over time.

Implant vs Bridge: Pros and Cons

Now that we’ve covered the basics of dental implants and dental bridges let’s take a closer look at the pros and cons of each.

Dental Implants: Pros

  • It can last for many years with proper care
  • Function like natural teeth
  • No need to modify surrounding teeth

Dental Implants: Cons

  • More expensive upfront
  • More involved procedure
  • Requires a period of healing

Dental Bridges: Pros

  • Less expensive upfront
  • It can be placed in a single visit to the dentist
  • It can be a good solution for missing teeth in areas that are not visible when smiling.

Dental Bridges: Cons

  • It may not be as strong as dental implants
  • It may require adjustments in biting and chewing habits
  • It may need to be replaced at some point

As you can see, both dental implants and bridges have their own set of pros and cons. Dental implants are generally more durable and function more like natural teeth, but they do come with a higher price tag and a more involved procedure. 

On the other hand, dental bridges are less expensive and can be placed in a single visit, but they may not be as strong and may require adjustments in biting and chewing habits.

Dental Implants Vs. Bridges: Procedure and Cost


A dental implant procedure typically involves a few steps. First, your dentist will perform a thorough evaluation of your oral health to make sure you’re a good candidate for a dental implant. 

If you are fit, they’ll place a titanium post into your jawbone. This acts as the foundation for the implant. This part of the procedure is usually done under local anaesthesia and may require a small incision in your gum.

After the titanium post is placed, you’ll need to wait for the site to heal, which can take several weeks. During this time, the bone around the implant will fuse to it, creating a strong foundation. 

After that, your dentist will place the dental crown on the implant to finish up the procedure.

A dental bridge procedure typically involves preparing the abutment teeth by removing a small amount of enamel from their surfaces. 

Next, your dentist will take impressions of your teeth and send them to a dental laboratory. This is where the bridge will be custom-made to fit your mouth. Meanwhile, your dentist may provide you with a temporary bridge to wear. 

When the permanent bridge is ready, your dentist will remove the temporary bridge and cement the permanent one into place.

FeatureDental ImplantsBridges
PurposeTo replace missing teethTo replace missing teeth
PlacementDirectly in jawboneOn top of existing teeth or dental implants
LongevityCan last a lifetime with proper careTypically last 5-15 years
MaintenanceRequires regular cleaning and maintenanceRequires regular cleaning and replacement
ProcedureSurgery to place the implant, followed by a healing periodPreparation of existing teeth, followed by placement of the bridge
CostTypically more expensive upfrontTypically less expensive upfront
Impact on Adjacent TeethDoes not affect adjacent teethRequires reduction of adjacent teeth for proper placement
ComfortUsually feels similar to natural teethCan feel bulky or uncomfortable
Natural AppearanceCan closely resemble natural teethCan have a less natural appearance


As for cost, the price of a dental implant can vary depending on several factors, including the number of teeth being replaced, the case’s complexity, and the practice’s location. 

On average, you can expect to pay anywhere from $1,000 to $3,000 per tooth for a dental implant. Dental bridges are generally less expensive, costing an average of $500 to $1,000 per tooth. 

However, it’s worth noting that dental implants may be a more cost-effective solution in the long run because they can last for many years, while a bridge may need to be replaced at some point.

In summary, the procedure for getting a dental implant is more involved than getting a bridge. Also, dental implants tend to be more expensive. 

However, they can be a more durable and functional solution for missing teeth. Implants may be a more cost-effective option in the long run. 

Which is the Right Dental Treatment for You?

The decision between a dental implant and a bridge will depend on your specific needs and circumstances. If you’re missing a single tooth, any option is suitable

However, dental implants may be the better option if you’re missing multiple teeth. This is because they don’t require the modification of surrounding teeth.

If you’re considering either a dental implant or a bridge, schedule a consultation at your local dental clinic. 

Your dentist will be able to evaluate your oral health and discuss your options with you, taking into account factors such as cost, durability, functionality, and the procedure itself. They’ll also be able to answer any questions you may have about the process.

Conclusion: Dental Implants vs Bridges

In conclusion, dental implants and dental bridges are both great options for replacing missing teeth. Each has its pros and cons, and the best solution will depend on your specific needs and circumstances.  

If you’re missing your teeth and are trying to decide between a dental implant and a bridge, we recommend consulting a dentist to determine the best option. You can contact us at Belmont Dental Surgery to get detailed information on your dental health needs.

Dr. Kent Tan - Author Bio

Dr. Kent Tan is an elite dentist based in Perth, with an impressive educational background including a degree from the University of Queensland and a Diploma in Implant Dentistry from the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh. His expertise, particularly in dental implants, is honed through extensive training, including a Master Clinician Programme in Los Angeles. Renowned for his exceptional skills and compassionate care, Dr. Tan performs up to 1000 dental implants annually, reflecting his commitment to excellence in oral health.


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Fill in the form below to book your complementary consultation. Alternatively you can call our Dental Implants treatment team on (08) 9361 5544.

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