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Are Dental Implants Painful?

By 2 August 2023November 14th, 2023No Comments

Key Takeaways:

  • Dental implant procedures are conducted under local anaesthesia to ensure no pain is felt during the operation.
  • Minor discomfort or soreness may occur after the numbness fades, depending on the complexity of the surgery and individual’s healing process.
  • Dentists generally prescribe over-the-counter pain medication for post-procedure discomfort management.
  • Tried and tested methods for managing discomfort after dental implant surgery include using ice packs, maintaining a soft diet, and ensuring proper oral hygiene.

It is not unusual for patients to worry about potential pain when it comes to dental procedures, especially when the procedure involves dental implants. To answer the question, “Are dental implants painful?”, we have broken down the process, recovery period, potential for pain, and methods for managing any discomfort when getting a dental implant in Perth

Are Dental Implants Painful?

How Painful Is A Dental Implant?

The process of getting dental implants involves the use of local anaesthesia, which numbs the area where the implant will be placed. This means that you will not feel any pain during the procedure. However, once the numbness fades away, minor discomfort or soreness may occur, depending on the complexity of the surgery and your body’s natural healing process. The pain is always manageable and, in most cases, less severe than one might assume. 

How Long Does The Pain Last After Dental Implant Placement?

The immediate discomfort typically subsides a few days after the procedure.
However, it is normal to experience some minor soreness for up to two weeks post-surgery. This varies from person to person, depending on factors such as individual pain tolerance and the number of implants received. 

What Helps With Pain After Dental Implant Surgery?

Post-procedure, your dentist will most likely prescribe over-the-counter pain medication, like paracetamol and ibuprofen. Coupled with this, one can make use of a few tried and tested methods for managing discomfort, which include:

  • Ice packs: To reduce swelling and numb pain.
  • Soft diet: Consuming soft foods can reduce irritation at the implant site.
  • Good hygiene: Maintaining proper oral hygiene prevents infection, a prime source of significant discomfort.

Are You A Suitable Candidate For Dental Implants?

Being a candidate for dental implant surgery depends on the condition of your gums, oral hygiene habits, general health, and bone density in your jaw. Smokers and those suffering from chronic conditions like diabetes or heart disease may face added risks. Your dentist would evaluate you based on these parameters before deeming you suitable for dental implants.

How Long Does It Take To Recover From Dental Implant Surgery?

The recovery period after dental implant procedure varies depending on individual healing rates, the number of implants placed, and whether bone grafting was involved. However, most patients can expect the jawbone to fully heal around the implant in approximately three to six months.


Is Implant Placement As Painful As Extraction?

While both procedures involve similar processes, dental implants are usually considered less painful than tooth extractions since the latter directly involves nerves and dental tissues. 

Are Implants More Painful Than Root Canal Treatment?

Pain is subjective, but generally, both dental implants and root canal treatment are performed under anaesthetics to minimise discomfort during the procedure.

What Is The Most Painful Dental Procedure?

Again, pain is subjective, but tooth extractions, particularly wisdom tooth removal, are often cited as being among the most uncomfortable dental procedures.

Can You Eat After Dental Implant Placement?

Yes, but it is advisable to stick to a diet of soft foods and liquids for a few days after the implant procedure to avoid irritating the implant site.

Does Your Mouth Hurt After Dental Implant Placement?

Some tenderness, bruising, and minor pain are normal after the procedure, but these symptoms should decrease after a few days. In case the pain persists or intensifies, contacting your dentist is highly advisable.

Can Dental Implants Cause Headaches?

Dental implants, by themselves, are not a direct cause of headaches. If you happen to have a headache after dental implants surgery, it is probable that one of the following factors may be responsible.

Dr. Kent Tan - Author Bio

Dr. Kent Tan is an elite dentist based in Perth, with an impressive educational background including a degree from the University of Queensland and a Diploma in Implant Dentistry from the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh. His expertise, particularly in dental implants, is honed through extensive training, including a Master Clinician Programme in Los Angeles. Renowned for his exceptional skills and compassionate care, Dr. Tan performs up to 1000 dental implants annually, reflecting his commitment to excellence in oral health.


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Fill in the form below to book your complementary consultation. Alternatively you can call our Dental Implants treatment team on (08) 9361 5544.

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Fill in the form below to book your complementary consultation. Alternatively you can call our Dental Implants treatment team on (08) 9361 5544.

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Fill in the form below to book your complementary consultation. Alternatively you can call our Dental Implants treatment team on (08) 9361 5544.

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Fill in the form below to book your complementary consultation. Alternatively you can call our Dental Implants treatment team on (08) 9361 5544.